About Me

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Hello There!

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I spend my days with my hands in many different areas of web development from back end programming to front end development. My journey into web development started with learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I spent time developing sites and applications using these core languages. After gaining proficiency, I worked on the backend for a couple years, developing in PHP and frameworks like Laravel. Recently I have jumped into using Webflow. Coming from a background of frontend and backend development, Webflow provides a appealing level of convenience. Through its visual editor and component library, I can efficiently design and prototype sites without relying on code. Complex interactions and pages are achievable without writing a single line of code. I'm extremely passionate about Web Development and Web Design in all it's forms and helping small businesses and artisans build and improve their online presence. Aside from Web Development, I also work with Python. Normally I do automation task by Python. But to be serious Python is my favourite programming language. My hobby is reading book for acquiring the general knowledge and religious knowledge.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Web Development

    At Freelancer : 2020 - Running

    I have been working as a freelancer since 2021

  • Education

  • HSC

    Dhaka Commerce College - 2020 - 2022

    After my school life i have done my HSC examination at this college.

  • SSC

    Adarsha Biddyaniketon, Manikdi, Dhaka Cantonment - 2009 - 2020

    This school was my first education institute. I have passed my most of the valueable time of my life in my school.

My Services

Front End Development

I have 4 years of experience in this sector. Most of the time I use Tailwind framework for CSS. Due to the grow of ReactJS nowadays I work with ReactJS for front end

Webflow Development

Webflow Development

Helping Webflow Agencies finish projects in tight deadline to get more client satisfaction and retention


React JS80%


Webflow CMS90%

Webflow + Client First90%

Python Automation84%

Get Me!

I am active on Linkedin. You can get me there.

Get Me on Linkedin

  • Full Name:Tarequl Islam Prottoy
  • Phone:+880 1882038272
  • Email:prottoyLancer@gmail.com
  • Address:Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Contact Me